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Card Rarity Lists

Ward trading cards are separated by rarity of the cards. Each card has a rarity symbol located underneath the left corner of the cards image-art. See rarity symbols and descriptions below. 

Downloadable Rarity Lists



Cards that are readily available and frequently found in booster packs or starter packs. These cards typically have common artwork and gameplay attributes. The symbol is a grey circle. 



Cards that are available but less likely to appear than common cards in booster and starter packs. They often feature slightly more unique abilities or artwork than common cards. The symbol is a green rectangle.



Cards that are relatively scarce compared to commons and uncommons. They possess unique abilities, special artwork, or are crucial to specific strategies. The symbol is a blue delta-shaped symbol.



Cards that are difficult to obtain and highly sought after by collectors and players alike. They often feature powerful abilities and stunning artwork. The symbol is a purple diamond.



Cards that are exceptionally difficult to obtain and are highly sought after by collectors and players alike. They are often the center piece cards of most players decks or collections due to their abilities, stunning artwork, or unique game mechanics. The symbol is a yellow-orange 4-pointed start.



Only 1 mythic card will exist per Ward TCG generation. This card is the keynote card for that generation’s release. The symbol is a red circle with the Ward “W” in the center.



Cards that are only available through special promotions, events, or limited-time releases. These cards are typically highly collectible and may feature exclusive artwork or abilities. These cards will be identifiable as they will have “Promo” on the cards.

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